We are not a recruiter or staffing 3rd party. All opportunities you see here are for reading with our Joint-Commission Accredited teleradiology group.
You may inquire about an individual opportunity, or ask about combining work descriptions to suit your needs. If you are ready to work and willing to license, start the conversation. We’d love to connect you to reading that suits your situation or income goals.
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In short: let us know you’re looking. We can discuss competitive pay, with flexible scheduling and malpractice covered.
Facilities are inquiring for overnight coverage frequently. Discuss your personal requirements so we can reach out to you with the right new opportunity.
Inquire using the form below, or email our outreach team.
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Inquire using the form below, or email our outreach team.
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Complete the form below, email your CV, or call 888-212-4422
Let us know at any time that you might be interested in work. We can keep you updated. Different listings can appear at any time from any state, and current teleradiology work listings are subject to change.
Let us know you’re looking and we can reach out when new work is available.
See our careers page for more reasons why Excalibur teleradiology should be a choice when considering your next move.
Career exploration is welcomed. Let us help you consider independent contractor teleradiology even if you’ve never done it before. Learn more about this flexible choice of work. Our outreach team is happy to discuss. Every radiologist can have dramatically different criteria for their lifestyle and the work they seek. For our most up to date teleradiology work listings, Email [email protected], or call 888-212-4422.