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Teleradiology beyond COVID-19

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Teleradiology services can support health systems, clinics, rural health, critical access hospitals, retail health centers and government medical centers. Part of the growth in teleradiology came from the COVID-19 pandemic. Advancements in technology, and a shortage of qualified radiologists and physicians also are factors. The need for improved diagnostic services also prompted implementation of teleradiology services.

Growth will with the recovery of diagnostic imaging post-pandemic.

Teleradiology growth and outlooks beyond 2020:

Allied Market Research’s report, titled “Teleradiology Market” stated “The global teleradiology market accounted for $2,709 million in 2017. [It] is expected to reach $10,621 million by 2025 with a CAGR of 18.4% from 2018 to 2025.”

With the financial constraints in the healthcare system, Teleradiology improves overall radiologist workflow and patient care. It can be cost-effective by reducing on-site costs. Teleradiology service provides coverage during the most challenging times during nighthawk hours. That is why many healthcare facilities choose to outsource, to ensure 24/7 diagnostic imaging timely for providers and patients.

If you are looking for teleradiology (telehealth) services, whether to make a switch or consider teleradiology, we’d enjoy talking with you to see how we can work together to support your medical imaging needs with customized and cost-effective teleradiology solutions for your company.

Call us at 856.231.4300.

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Excalibur Healthcare

The Excalibur Teleradiology Blog is written and edited by the in-house outreach team, Betsy Cook and Laura Clark. The blog serves as an information resource, with articles covering topics that are of interest to the radiology community.


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