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Rural Healthcare is critical in times of COVID-19

Rural landscape

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COVID-19 has impacted healthcare providers with challenges, and opportunities, revolving around managed care and efficient access to medical services in all communities. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will provide support to many rural hospitals and clinics to allow them to remain viable and open to provide healthcare services. We thank HHS for recognizing the importance of their contribution to support rural health.

Many rural facilities face closures and financial losses that resulted in shutdowns according to NC Rural Health Research Program, which means major burdens and insufficient care of patients. Adding to the lack of patient care from closings, thousands of healthcare providers have been furloughed during the COVID-19 crisis, according to Becker’s Review.

MORE: CNN’s map of where rural hospitals are disappearing.

For rural facilities still operating, Telehealth, Teleradiology and Telemedicine services are needed more than ever to fully care for their patients.

At Excalibur Healthcare, we get it. Rural health concerns are unique, so are our Telehealth and Teleradiology solutions. We are here to support rural facilities and communities by seamlessly integrating services for medical imaging and providing a wide spectrum of specialties. Find out how we can help you deploy Teleradiology that will ensure HIPAA and HITECH compliant solutions and strengthen your facility’s ability to provide services for the long-term.

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